Ingredients8.3 Effectiveness8.8 Value8.4 Taste8.5 Mixability8.7Pros100% whey protein isolateBurns fat and builds muscleConsExpensive 8.5Overall Score If you were making a list of things that pair well together like peanut butter and jelly or cookies and milk, a fat burner and a protein powder would probably be the last combination you came up with. However, it looks like BSN was bold enough to do that with their new ISOBURN protein powder. Thing first thing I can say about this is that BSN certainly broke through the clutter. My initial reaction to seeing the ingredients in BSN’s ISOBURN was similar to something Leonardo DiCaprio said in Django Unchained, “You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention.” The Why of Whey Protein Isolate As far as the protein blend in ISOBURN, it’s actually a 100% whey protein isolate. Whey isolate undergoes extra processing to strip the fat and lactose form the protein. This leaves you with more protein- about 90% or higher by volume- and reduces calories. What’s more, by getting rid of the lactose there’s less of a chance you’ll suffer gastrointestinal issues associated with whey protein like bloating or cramping. Each serving is going to give you 20 g of protein. Burn Baby Burn One of the main fat burners in ISOBURN is a unique compound called LeptiCore, which contains plant polysaccharides, esterified fatty acids, pomegranate extract and beta-carotene antioxidants and blue-green algae. A study in the journal Lipids in Health and Disease examined the effects of LeptiCore on 92 obese subjects in an 8 week study. At the end of the study, the results showed that LeptiCore significantly reduced body weight and helped with fat gain management.[1] Another potent fat burning ingredient in ISOBURN is green coffee bean extract. The weight loss benefits from green coffee bean extract come from its chlorogenic acid content. Chlorogenic acid works by by inhibiting an enzyme that promotes formation of glucose in the liver. This mechanism of action is why chlorogenic acid is suggested as effective for reducing glycemic disorders such as diabetes. Additionally, studies support green coffee bean extract as effective for reducing bodyweight and improving weight management.[2] Is ISOBURN For You? ISOBURN is going to be a little bit on the pricier side of protein powders, but that’s because it’s a complete whey isolate. This means it’s higher quality and you’re getting more protein by volume than a whey protein concentrate. Since the weight loss ingredients in ISOBURN are non-stimulant based, you’re not going to have to worry about avoiding it in the evening or afternoon. I definitely recommend ISOBURN if you’re looking for a quality protein source to help improve your overall body composition. [1] Kuate D, Etoundi BC, Azantsa BK, Kengne AP, Ngondi JL, Oben JE. The use of LeptiCore in reducing fat gain and managing weight loss in patients with metabolic syndrome Lipids Health Dis. 2010 Feb 19;9:20. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-9-20 [2] Hiroshi Shimoda, Emi Seki, and Michio Aitani Inhibitory effect of green coffee bean extract on fat accumulation and body weight gain in mice BMC Complement Altern Med. 2006; 6:9 Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website To leave a comment please enable JavaScript in your browser settings!